Friday, October 2, 2009

Now I know that if I select "preview," it won't let me go back to edit or make changes to my post. Even when I eventually, after much difficulty, found a list of my posts with a box next to "edit" that would let me select certain posts, it took me to my final post, where I could not select or change anything. I'm not very smart with computers, but why is this so hard? I've got to remember to choose "spell check" and "add image" BEFORE I select "preview", because "preview" really means "post and never edit again without in-depth knowledge or dumb luck."

So here is an OK picture of Andrew reading the letter. It's too bad we don't have a better one, but we were too busy celebrating.

Wait! I think I figured it out. Sort of. I need to select "edit html" before I publish. Maybe. How do you get the picture to be below this text? Moving the cursor didn't help.

Andrew's Mission Call

As I was walking out the door Wednesday morning (9/30/09) to go to work, the phone rang. I answered and was greeted by our mail carrier, who said she had a mission call for Andrew. She said we could pick it up or she could deliver it with the rest of our mail. (For many years, the American Fork post office has called families when a mission call has arrived. Brian got a phone call in 1980! Nowadays, the individual carriers can decide if they want to call or not.) Brian said he and Andrew would pick it up. Bishop Taylor had told Andrew on Sunday that his call would come this week, but I had trouble believing him. It had been only 1 week! Can calls come that quickly? Brian insisted that calls always come on a Wednesday, but Andrew insists that Nate's came on a Thursday. (A ward member who has 2 sons on missions right now said one call came on a Wednesday, and the other one came on a different day, but she can't remember which one.)

Since I had to work, I made Andrew promise that he would wait until I got home before he opened the letter. He reluctantly agreed. Brian called me at work about 11:30 and said he was asked to work at 5:00, and Andrew would be working from 3:00 to 6:00. The other kids were at school, of course, but Katie would be staying late for chorus practice. Eric and Becca would have Mutual at 7:00. When could we open the letter? There wouldn't be a time when we were all together until after 9:00! So I suggested that I could come home for lunch and just the 3 of us could open the letter together. They both jumped at that idea because the waiting was driving them crazy.

Other ward members have made huge productions of opening the call. They invite all family members and friends and many neighbors. They have snacks or drinks. They have games and activities. They have maps of the world displayed with pins or sticky notes showing everyone's guesses as to where the missionary will serve. Cameras are ready as all are gathered around while the missionary opens the letter.

Since all of Andrew's friends are already gone, he had no one to invite. Grandpa Larson was working at the temple, and Grandma and Grandpa Zimmerman were at a doctor's appointment. We had no map, but several people had already offered their guesses. No snacks or games, but Brian and I DID grab the cameras as we watched our son open the letter. He started reading aloud.

"Dear Elder Larson: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Japan Tokyo Mission." Andrew's voice choked as he said "Japan Tokyo," and he started crying. Brian and I cheered and jumped around, then hugged each other and Andrew as we read the rest of the letter.

"You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, December 2, 2009. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Japanese language." December 2?! That's too soon! His call came in 10 days and he's leaving in 2 months! Amazing!! They must really need him in Japan. How is it that he would be called to serve exactly where he wanted to go? What's the catch?

We're quite overwhelmed by it all. We're trying to gather everything he'll need. Brian and Andrew spent Thursday and Friday getting his passport info ready and submitted. I've been looking for more info on what he needs to pack. I was going to make a quilt for him to take, but the lists say the only bedding he needs are 2 pillowcases. I guess I will worry more about getting all the clothing and other supplies he'll need. Andrew's friend David Youd is already serving in Tokyo, but Andrew doesn't have his email address. He's going to get it and then see if he can get a reply from David. Wouldn't it be great if they could see each other or even be companions?

I'm so happy for Andrew and so proud that he is "called to serve." I'm excited for this wonderful opportunity he will have to learn and grow and gain experience. I'm already crying just thinking about how much I will miss him.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Janetta's Baptism

My baby was baptized on Saturday! It was a wonderful and spiritual day. We had wanted Eric to baptize her, but a few days before the event he finally told us he didn't want to. We were disappointed, but Janetta was happy to have her daddy do it. (I think she was a little worried that Eric might hold her under the water too long.) When I was helping her get dried off, she said, "I want to do that again!"

We're glad that Grandma and Grandpa Zimmerman, Grandpa Larson, Uncle Gary and Aunt LaRee, and Uncle Jack and Aunt Janey were able to attend. Thank you! They came to our house afterward for lunch and entertainment provided by the Larson girls. They sang some songs, including "I Love to See the Temple", which they performed in sacrament meeting on Sunday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Andrew had his missionary physical and will have some shots next week. We got all the papers filled out and submitted. Andrew met with the bishop on Sunday. When he got home, we assumed he'd be scheduled for the next interview with the stake president. But, the bishop said he wants Andrew to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover. At the rate he's going, it might be Christmas before he's finished.

My coworker Jamee was laid off last week. Corporate says we aren't busy enough to have 4 employees. My hours were cut back to no more than 18 per week. Kirk wants me there from 9 to 4. I have to take an hour for lunch. It's very hard to do. I used to take 15 minutes for lunch and keep working. I have so many calls to make and visits to enter into the computer. I struggle to get everything done in 6 hours. And I have no place to go for lunch.

Becca has to take summer school because she failed a class for 2 terms. She is very behind on homework and assignments. I don't know how to motivate her. She has to help the custodians for a week to pay the tuition. Maybe that will wake her up.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Larson family went to the dentist for the first time in at least a year. Now we have insurance, and everyone is doing well in the tooth department except for Eric and Janetta. They have 4 cavities each. Eric has been fixed up, but poor Janetta will need a pulpotomy (sp?) with a silver crown as well as some fillings. Her appointment isn't until next month. Andrew had his only wisdom tooth pulled yesterday. He doesn't feel too sore, until he tries to eat something. He looks at burgers and pizza and cereal with sad eyes full of longing. Jello and yogurt and applesauce just can't satisfy a growing teenager!

Monday, May 4, 2009

To blog or not to blog

So what's the deal with blogs? I guess I'll find out, but I really don't have the time. I don't have time for facebook, either. But people keep wanting to add me as a friend. I guess blogging might be easier than sending email to everyone. This way they will have to do some work to be updated on the latest Larson happenings. I bet nobody cares.